Kitchen Table Provisions


T A K E mealtime off the back burner and place it in my care

Receive Chef Rebecca’s selection of seasonal, organic, plant-forward meals with easy to follow heating and serving instructions. We’ll fill your plate and stock your fridge with vibrant dishes to help you sail through the week. Sample Menu

D E L I V E R E D to your doorstep

Yarmouth, Falmouth, Portland, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth.

Portland pick-up is available to those who live outside our current delivery zone.

C O N S C I O U S culinary practices

Dishes celebrating organic produce from Maine family farms, sustainably sourced local seafood from the Gulf of Maine and ethically raised poultry.

M I N I M A L packaging

Paper packaging is used for single service. For ongoing clients, meals come in reusable glass dishes and jars that are cleaned and returned the following week.

G R E E N business

I’m passionate about finding opportunities to reduce our footprint, to raise awareness, and to foster the health of our community and the health of our planet. Values in Action

L E T ‘ S chat

Connect with Chef Rebecca